Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So I intended to post this on my 24th birthday (5 days ago), but my birthday celebrations took over.  Then there were early Christmas celebrations. And throughout this week I've been working extra hours to get ready for vacation.  All the while, this post has been sitting here, waiting patiently. I figured it would be rude to make it wait any longer. 

I have made a list.  Twenty-four things to do before I turn twenty-five.  I shamelessly stole the idea from many other blogs, but it fits where I am right now. 

After spending a while getting used to the fact that I could do pretty much anything with my evenings and weekends (since I don't, you know, have four papers to be writing), I've been accumulating things I'd like to do with that time.  

The problem is that I am awful at making decisions, so the more ideas I had, the more difficult it was to actually choose one to focus on.  To solve this problem, I didn't choose one.   I chose 24(ish). To be completed within the next year.  I've spent the last year or so getting used to my new stage of life, and I want to spend the next year trying to make it more meaningful and intentional.

Some of the things on here can be a weekend project. Other things will hopefully become new habits.  Some of them will take a lot of effort over the entire year to complete. 

Here is the list as it stands:

You will notice that there are not actually 24 things on this list.  Don't worry, I didn't forget them.  There is a reason.

I first saw this model at A Beautiful Mess, and part of the spirit of her list was to make the goals challenging enough that some of them may not be finished within the year.  As I got toward the end of this list, I thought they all seemed fairly within reach, and I wasn't coming up with any ideas that felt scary enough.  So these two spots remain open until I have an idea that seems almost impossible or unusually risky.  Stay tuned.

Along with updating about my progress, I'm going to do a series of posts explaining some of the goals and why they're on my list. A lot of these are things I've been wanting to do for a while, and others came to me as I was writing the list, but are no less worthy of tackling.  Look for the first post in that series soon!